
Showing posts from October, 2017

Life Unplugged!

All good things start with a 16 oz cup of black 711 Columbian Coffee. When you fail  in life, at a personal or professional level, the universe has already declared you a loser, with a capital L; so stop iterating it, stop repeating it, stop thinking about, stop being like one, just stop!  Win/loss like h ead/tail, by definition , has a probability  of 50 written on it. Both have an equal  likelihood of occurrence if that's that operative word; it's up to each individual to which half they want to belong, NOT which half they are in right now. You are in a particular half because you thought you were in that half, or at least your actions led to it. It's time to move from 50% to 51% one percentage at a time. Let's take look at Democracy, the gift of mankind to humanity; here  the winner doesn't need to have a 60% or 70% acceptance rate, or votes in human terms. The only thing that is expected of him/her is one seat more than half. Even at 50.1% he/she is s